Vlogs are video blogs making blogging more interactive than they usually are. These can vary in subject and how long for descriptive they can be, just like a normal blog, but usually can be made much more interesting with easily accessed video clips, music and often easier to convey you own opinion. Just like in a blog, the language must appeal and be convincing like a normal blog just spoken. To keep the Vlog interesting, clips are often cut shorten and the use of voice overs can make the video more informative or just for comedic affect.
(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khNimZ6uPOI Download this video!)
(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wA6YfnT4738&feature=channel Download this video!)
Vlogs can also be used for serious topics, which helps makes the impact of the situation much more shocking as well as giving good feed back to charities showing that they do work and have a good effect on communities involved.
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