Entertainment is any pass time, which people can focus on to amuse themselves during their free time. These can be games, reading, chatting, and any hobby, which people can get involved in.
Entertainment on a Computer
General Layout Of Youtube |
Many different pass times, are now available to be played from computers via the Internet, software or Cd's. Many games are available on computers ready, such as games like Heart and Minesweeper. Many more games can be accessed via the Internet for free like Internets such as Runescape a MMORPG, which takes advantage of many people around the world logging on to servers and talking and playing the game. Games can be downloaded off the Internet (G-Mod, Counter Strike, Portal) from servers such as Steam to save money from buying the disc from a store. E-Books are available to be downloaded from the Internet to be read on computers and other handheld devices like Notebooks, Ipads and Laptops. Videos can be streamed via the Internet, from websites such as Youtube, Veoh, Dailymotion and Google Videos. These are user generated video streamers, which is a pass time for people to watch and make videos for. BBC Iplayer is a streaming website, which shows TV from the BBC (British Broadcasting Company) so people don't get behind on their favorite shows. Radio can also be stream via the site as well. Music can be streamed via the Internet from websites such as Grooveshark, Last Fm, and Spotify. Music can also be downloaded from sites such as Amazon, and Itunes. This stops people from buying the Cd's saving the user money. Videos can also be downloaded from Itunes as well.
- Due to downloads, the software can easily be pirated, and made available to the public freely via torrents, which destroys the Industry.
- MMORPGs are very time consuming and people can spend a very long time to get their characters to the maximum level. This means they can become addicted.
- Any videos can be uploaded video streaming websites, which often breaks copyright, that harms the industry.
BBC Iplayer
The general Laout of the BBC Iplayer |
The BBC Iplayer allows people to watch TV on the internet instead of on a television. This is useful so people don't miss their favorite TV shows nd can watch them whenever they like within a 7 day period. Due to how the TV licencing in the UK, people can still watch the IPlayer without the licence, which is a good loop hole that University students took advantage of. The site can be accessed by the Play Station 3 and by Computers, so generally isn't to portabl unless used on a Laptop or Notebook with a strong connection toa hotspot.
Funny-Games main page |
This website has lots of different Internet games for people to play when they are bored, orjust have nothing better to do. All these games would be stream from servers to your computer, so if the Internet connection is slow or you use dial-up, these games would take a long time to stream, or be of a low quality and be jumpy and lag. These games are often short and only use simple graphics without much detail, often in a very cartoony style. These games are short and sweet and often get addictive, until you manage to complete the game, after that it is rare to go back to the game as they often have little play back qualities. Images, videos, and jokes for more entertainment.
Funny-Games Game Play |